Wednesday, June 9, 2010

35th Anniversary of the ACP Group

Today, 7 June 2010, the 35th Anniversary of the ACP Group was celebrated in the ACP House in Brussels with a symposium on the theme "Regional Integration and Good Governance". A very interesting debate took place between ACP African Ambassadors and the UN Under Secretary General of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) at the one side and Mr. Louis Michel (Co-Pres. of the JPA) at the other side: 
African diplomats criticizing the EU policy towards Africa and the EU trying to convince the ACP that the EU is ACP's best donor and that China is not good for the ACP. 
Here are some quotes:  
Ambassador of Uganda: "You can not promote trade in Africa when there are no roads and infrastructure. EU, why can you impose all kind of measures and agreements upon us, and not infrastructure".
Mr. Janneh (UNECA): "We should manage our natural resources better. EU would not be so far without Africa. EU came that far through trade or plunder. I do not say that we should plunder, but EU has a responsability to help us and to deliver their promises. Studies show that for 1 US dollar the donors give, they take back ten times more. They invest in Africa only 2%, mostly in oil or in South Africa. ACP should fight as Group for more investment, and go to the rest of the world. South - South cooperation, between ACP and China, India, Latin America is key. We will not forget or abandon or 'colonial masters or old friends', but we have to form a solid block to move forward and to establish a new economic order; ACP is the largest south - south cooperation. Use that".                    
ACP Secretary General Dr. Mohamed Ibn Chambas: "While there have been successes in certain areas, some key ones appear to be in a 'state of inertia". The Economic Partnership Agreements is perhaps the main one. The question of ACP Group's existence beyond 2020 is an issue that we should openly discuss and today's anniversary should allow us some leeway for reflection. The answer to this question rests with the Group. We have the inner strength and will power to readjust ourselves today so that we are better positioned to meet the demands of tomorrow". 
Note: The Caribbean and Pacific did not speak and where not addressed in these debates about Regional Integration and Good Governance. Only Africa was discussed.  
1. if ACP is only about Africa, should Caribbean and Pacific stay in this grouping after 2020, or are there better ways to promote the south-south cooperation and  understanding between these countries and their populations?  
2. Why is ACP and its cooperation with the EU after 35 years still the most unknown form of cooperation in the world?     
Joyce van Genderen-Naar 

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